Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Well, well, well...............heres another year drawing to a close, another 365 days of slogging it out there, trying to be the best, a year of attempts and failures and half fulfilled promises, and on the personal front a year of disasters.
So I can only say that Im glad that finally 2007 is passing me by, and though the future is still an unseen journey, I prefer it to just being stuck in some place and ruminating on things of the past, things I have no control over.
I am not with friends right now, Im not having a blast this new year's eve, infact I might even say that Im quite bored, but just the thought that all the bad things that have happened this year are over is enough to liven up my spirits. Yes, bad things have happened but the lessons that these incidences teach are invaluable and so bad things aren't bad in their entirety.
Im up on my feet, and though things are far from being satisfactory, I have the courage to dream once in a while.
If you are reading this, let me take the opportunity to wish you a very happy new year. As for me, compared to what the last year has been, the next year can only be happier.

1 comment:

belle said...

we make our own happiness, or so they say.

- I liked your blog!
from: playwithwords