Thursday, December 27, 2007


As one goes along in life, beliefs change, ever so often in a very radical manner. People learn to adapt to circumstances, change becomes a virtue of our existance and we, like well trained horses keep our eyes focussed straight ahead on the track, on our fellow competitors, lest they should defeat us in this agonizing race of ever changing fortunes.

It is amazing, the nature of man, how he learns to forget the past, or maybe that is just another way of saying how he is made to forget his past for reasons which at best are yet to be undersood. In the event of a personal tragedy it is so easy to find consolation; yet so much of it is out of obligation that even before the tears dry out, one is left all alone. The faces that seemed to offer a refuge merely vanish into the mob of self-defeating mockery from where they had emerged. It is true, that under such circumstances, you will find a shoulder to rest on, and more often than not, that shoulder will be your own.

Socialising is upheld as a quality, indeed, one needs to be special in order to have friends. You need to be special for someone to care for you, you need to be polished so that the ones around you can see what a gem of a person you are. Again, its about keeping up appearances, the better you are at pretending, the greater are your chances of being popular.

For me, the few things that I have learnt about life has been an amazing education. One need not always go through a rough patch to understand these things but a hands-on experience is worth its weight in gold.Personal tragedies are like sandpaper,they bruise to the core but leave a smooth surface at the end.

Im quite confused,sometimes regarding what I want from life,and it is easy to let the feeling of unfulfillment be overwhelming but I think that whatever I have got till now,though not all of them I have right now,is more than enough for a person like me to be happy,and so I am.............happy.

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